Unit 11 - Progression

Ambitions and Intentions 

My ambitions for the future are study further within the photography and film sector. I would like to take a gap year and then study at University starting 2024. Photography and film/Media would be my ideal role to continue my career as in the future. I wouldn't mind working for a company working with video and films, or working for clients doing photoshoots and more. 

In my gap year I would like to get a job and some work experience within my future workplace. I would like to continue my progress and education within this industry by doing an apprenticeship or going university. I would to get more experience within this industry by completing work experience in my free time. 

Unit 10 Skills Audit 


Name: Aamir  

Date 5/11/22 

Course/Pathway: Multimedia level 3 year 2  


Relating to your course, what is one thing you enjoy doing in particular? 


What is something you would like the chance to do more of/practice? 


How would you rate your current level of skill in the following areas? 




Would like to improve 

Not applicable 

Related equipment/software you are confident using. 













Graphic/Web design 






Conducting primary/secondary research 













Film making 













Sound recording/editing 







How would you rate yourself at the following? 




Need to improve 

Team work 




Working under pressure 




Managing time to meet deadlines 




















Working within constraints 




Addressing/accepting feedback 





How do you prefer to work? Rate each one 1-5. (1=very strong preference, 5=least preferred) 


Working preference 


I enjoy working and sharing ideas with others. 


I am comfortable being responsible for the team meeting a deadline. 


I prefer to work alone. 


I am confident at participating in a team environment. 


I enjoy taking the lead. 


I prefer to talk in smaller groups. 


I prefer to work on and tackle tasks head on, instead of discussing/planning them. 


I like to sit back, coast through doing nothing and ride on the coat tails of other people’s hard work whilst pretending I have worked hard… 



Ways to promote myself

There are multiple ways to promote myself when looking for a job or for other opportunities. Some methods are better than others. One way could be describing yourself, who you are, your career goals, and what you skills you possess that could potentially benefit the employer. Volunteering is a great way of showing previous experience and shows your employer your dedication to develop on your career journey. Volunteering could be an internship within your profession or other ways, for example charities. 

Social media plays a huge role nowadays, it is the perfect place to build your brand. This is a great way to promote yourself in a professional manner which appeals to employers. You can create a portfolio and even a website to show employers why they should hire you and what skills you carry. Its also important to show some character and display who you are as an individual. Linkedin is the most popular social media platform for displaying any achievements or skills gathered.

This is an apprenticeship with RAF, it is a Photography course.

This is an amazon apprenticeship, it is level 3 and I would gain more knowledge within audio, video, and Photography production

